Wednesday, September 26, 2012

10 Reasons to Adopt/Love Strelka

1.  She rides great in a car.  She lays in the backseat, patiently, until you arrive at your intended destination.

2.  She is loyal and attentive.  Once she bonds with you, which does not take long at all, she wants to sit or lay right beside you while you type, talk to a friend, or read a book.  She never butts in--unless you ask her to!

3.  She is not loud.  She will bark if she needs to.  She will let you know a stranger is walking up to your porch, but overall she is a very quiet girl that does not whimper or throw temper tantrums.

4.  She has long legs and a goofy gait.  She is so much fun to watch, as she clumsily saunters down the street on a walk.

5.  She has a great appetite and is very food motivated.  This makes training easier!

6.  In that same vein, she is very intelligent and responds quickly to learning new things.

7.  She is easy to bathe.  I am not saying she loves it, but she stands still and endures it with grace.  You won't need to visit the chiropractor every time she gets a little muddy at the park.  You know what I'm sayin'?

8.  She smiles!  Not all dogs do this.  She makes a funny face, with her lips pulled back, as she tilts her head side to side and wags her body.  She only does this when she gets very excited.

9.  She is gorgeous.  She is lean and her coat is shiney.  She has long legs, a trim waistline, and love-me-now eyes, which are hard to resist.

10.  She loves playing with other animals.  I have seen her bound around with the best of them and then leave tired, ready for a long nap.

There are so many good reasons that Strelka should have a loving, permanent home.  There are so many good reasons she should never have to see the inside of a Shelter.  This girl is going to make someone very happy.  She is so committed to me after such a short time.  I cannot imagine how bonded she will become with the person that actually adopts her.

                         *Please note that Strelka is no longer in foster care but is back with me*

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